
mercoledì 13 novembre 2024

272. CARNIA (Cjargne), ITALY. The Friulans of Carnia feel at first Italian, then also Friulans and Carnians; This is the Carnia, the Green Carnia; A land that was known to Strabo, Titus Livy, Pliny; An history rich of events. Those nearer to us: the Serenissima (Venice), Napoleon, the Great War; The "Kosaks" of the Russkaja Osvoboditelnaja Armija (WW2); The big earthquake and the reconstruction; The Portatrici Carniche. Carnian women that during the Great War used to bring with their panniers (heavy 30-40 kilos) food, grenades (...). From: ARCHIPELAGOS AND ISLANDS AT THE MIRROR. SEA-ONES (FAROE and MYKINES, DENMARK), LAND-ONES (CARNIA AND SAURIS, ITALY)


. The photo-icon of the extraordinary story of the Portatrici Carniche (Carnian Bearers). Carnian women that during the Great War used to bring with their panniers (heavy 30-40 kilos) food, grenades, cartridges and everything was necessary to the day to day survival and battle of the Italian soldiers on the war front, up in the mountains of the Alps

The book has the following basic structure:
a) an historical, geo-climatically, administrative, ethno-anthropological and linguistic introduction to both Faroe Islands and Carnia;
b) the singling-out of the ethno-cultural identities of the two communities: 
Faroe, a small community-nation
Carnia, a strong regional identity.
c) the two communities amid tradition and change:
- the Faroe Islands: the bygd and the traditional self-sufficient community economy (fishing, farming, cultivation, fowling, grindadrap). The changing economy connected to: 1) the sea: deep fishing, ship-building; 2) tending towards the new frontiers of tourism;

Carnia: a modern post-industrial economy, which keeps still strong ties with the mountain habitat (wood industry and handicraft, farming, cultivations), but that is also tending towards a stronger touristic development;

d)  the Great Faroe Crisis of the 1990s and emigration.

  Carnia, land of centuries old temporary and permanent emigration (till the 1960s and 1970s);

e) two case studies in comparison: the isolated communities of Mykines (Faroe) and Sauris (Carnia)


3.2. Carnia (Cjargne) 

 It is an area that could bewitch me for many of its characteristics: human, first of all, then naturalistic, historical-archaeological, etno-anthropological and linguistic. 

A region of valleys and splendid mountains, plunged in the green of woods and malgas (monz). 

Crossed by important and historical rivers. 

Populated by people that have their own language, the Friulan, with which they express vigorously their cultural identity. 

The Friulans of Carnia feel at first Italian, then also Friulans and Carnians

Speaking, so, two different languages and a dialect. 

This is the Carnia, the Green Carnia. 

Because of its abundant rainfalls and consequent extraordinary presence of every kind of herbs. 

Among other things the local geo-climatic conditions lower the altimetrical levels of approximately four hundred metres. 

But the corollary of this phytoclimatic phenomenon is the marked presence of wooded land, that takes away more and more space to cultivations and grazing (...). 

This north-western corner of Friuli, to the border with Austria, has little more than forty thousand inhabitants, of which more than a quarter live in the only urban centre of any consistence, Tolmezzo (Tumieç). 

Historically the "capital" of Carnia and centre of the homonymous Mountain Community.

A land that was known to Strabo, Titus Livy, Pliny

 This land has his homogeneity, formed during a more than millennial history. 

That goes back to the arrival of the Carni, Celtic population of which little or nothing is known, but also of the Romans. 

And it was known to Strabo, Titus Livy, Pliny. 

It couldn't be otherwise. 

Because one of its most important valleys leads to one of the main historical gates to Mitteleuropa and, therefore, to the north and the east of the continent: 

The Mountain Carnian Cross Pass (Pas dal Mont Crôs). 

(...) An history rich of events. Those nearer to us: the Serenissima (Venice), Napoleon, the Great War.  .

I remind those nearer to us. 

The events of the Serenissima (Venice), of Napoleon and of the Great War. 

 When the Austrian troops for long time were jammed along the trenches before Caporetto. 

But also, those concerning the liberation of Italy from the Nazi-fascist oppression. 

The "Kosaks" of the Russkaja Osvoboditelnaja Armija (WW2)

When the German occupation Army was composed also from the "Kosaks" belonging to the Russkaja Osvoboditelnaja Armija, L'armata dei fiumi perduti of Carlo Sgorlon. 

To whom Carnia was promised as a future Kosakeland in Nord-Italien. 

This is a land where tradition and change go together, often integrating themselves perfectly. 

As regards to the ethnographical and historical-cultural aspects, each village, each settlement, each town has something that it is worthing to see. 

Since history has been also generous with this strong people, that was able to overcome every existential collective crisis. 

The big earthquake and the reconstruction

 Like (...) at the time of the big earthquake, that deranged Friuli and Carnia. 

With the reconstruction, many ancient houses were completely restored and inhabited again. 

Without weighing heavily on the urban system with new buildings.

(...) That is nowadays still re-proposed, thanks to the use of traditional materials: wood and stone, characteristics tile roofs, of wood or glazed, often with a green colour. 

 And if the architectural style of the houses, also those more common and humble, it is not able to attract the visitors, still other characteristics may stimulate their interest. 

For instance, those ethnographic-ones (...). 

The Portatrici Carniche. Carnian women that during the Great War used to bring with their panniers (see the photo)

The same panniers, once utilized by women for the transport, particularly of the hay. 

Or the sledges with shoes and wheels (lòuze). 

All objects not yet casted off, or relegated in a museum, but used with pride by the inhabitants of these communities (...). 


E-Book, paper version in colour, I and II ed., and in black and white, 111 pages, 90 notes, 105 images (66 belong to the Photo Library of the A.)

Colour I Ed. :

"black and white":


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